Saulo Puttini, former Legal Director of Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), became on May 10, 2022, a partner of the firm, working in our Banking and Government Affairs departments
In addition to being a lawyer, Saulo graduated as an engineer in the Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME), holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from theUniversidade de Brasília a specialization Degree in Risk Management for Corporate Leaders from Harvard Business School and Strategic Risk Management and Compliance (C-Level) from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, and an MBA from the George Washington University.
Saulo Puttini has significant experience in a wide variety of industries, including mining, oil, natural gas, electric power, urban infrastructure, transport, telecommunications, water infrastructure and special operations.
Saulo also served as director of compliance for a large financial institution.